Jim's Journeys
Self-improvement (creative writing and public speaking) and spiritual advancement through shamanic teachings with Jim Graywolf
Jim Graywolf ~ Shamanic Healer, Spiritual Counseling, Life Coach, Storyteller
We are all looking for help to get thru current conditions in ourselves and the world.
I’m going to be offering more individual and group healing, coaching, spiritual and teaching work. I get a lot of requests for more of this type of work, which I did much more of in the past. And so many requests now, in this time of chaos, for help balancing, facing fear and loss and moving ahead. Especially from activists – like our Standing Rock brothers and sisters. One good thing about aging is you have the knowledge and, hopefully, wisdom to share – just as my elders did with me in the past.
My website is coming on line and I will keep adding to it. So, so much thanks to my spiritual daughter, Rebekah Sage, for this evolving website. I am a practitioner of many things and a student of many others… but NOT a techie. There are many more areas of healing and teaching work coming – as soon as I can produce what Rebekah needs to populate my pages.
My life walk has provided me the skills and experience in these areas:
- Shamanic medicine – Earth Medicine
- Life coach
Intuitive psychotherapist
Spiritual guide - Wedding officiate – Indigenous and spiritual
- Public speaking
- Storyteller
- Teacher/tutor
Public speaking
Creative writing - Animal communicator / healer
- Grief counselor
Grief release
Look for more to come and….. join me. Let’s journey together! ~ Jim Graywolf
Global Drums Gathering 11/11/2022
Sign up, sign in. Let’s get in sync with Mother Earth. Healing time. Time for peace. Time for love. Let’s be a part of that once again. -Jim GraywolfPeace and love global circle – 11/11/2022
11:11 AM wherever you are.
Add your name and where you will drum from here.
Grandmother drum for the circle will also be opened in Sedona at Sedonya Conscious Living Center at 7 PM PST – and streamed.
Which other groups wish to stream on their 11:11 am?Join here…
Animal Connection and Healing with Jim Graywolf
Shamanic Healings and Teachings with Jim Graywolf
Welcome to Graywolf Healing
TedX Women of Vail presentation online with Jane Fonda interviewed as well as Angelique Kidjo amazing African singer songwriter in Sedona
“And the young man asked the elder…when did I lose my spiritual energy?” And the elder answered, “When did you stop singing? When did you stop dancing?” ~Indigenous story
Uqualla and Jim GrayWolf today at Sedonya after the TedX Women of Vail presentation online with
Jane Fonda (actor and activist) interviewed as well as Angelique Kidjo (amazing African singer/songwriter) who presented her song with Sting, Mother Nature, etc… Co-creative collaboration in honor of Nature, Mother Earth.Never stop singing, drumming, dancing or dreaming! They are an important part of welcoming positive change and love into the world.
~Jim Graywolf -
Birthing Cave Sedona
Gathering more spirit medicine – above the Birthing Cave in Sedona, AZ. Where the old ones sat.
Wisdom Lodge Sedona
The Wisdom Lodge welcomed me back to Sedona after my medicine gathering. I sorted through the places I walked, sat, slept in and journeyed. So much medicine gathering – much more than ever before. But it makes sense… now is the time.
It’s time for us all to gather our skills, connect with the Earth and join together to reaffirm the spiritual to our journey of change. Gathering my medicine.